July 18 2020 – AAAeCommerce Inc Collaborator

Mistakes Every Beginner Makes Pole Dancing!
We have all been there, starting a new class for the first time and not knowing what to expect. Pole dancing can be scary at first and sometimes we don't really know what to wear or bring. Read this blog to see all mistakes you can avoid when pole dancing for the first time.
Firstly, it is very important to have the right clothes on before you even think about getting on the pole. So many of us make the mistake of wearing gym wear or workout clothes including tights to our first pole class. There is a reason pole dancers show a lot of skin, for the grip of course! The more skin exposed, the more grip you will have on the pole.
We recommend wearing shorts or our sticky grip bodysuit. Our sticky grip bodysuit is amazing for beginners as it can give you extra support and coverage without sacrificing grip. When picking shorts for your first class, it will come down to your preference. our High Waist Shorts provide more coverage compared to our Low Waist Garter Shorts that give a cheeky sexy look.
Another mistake commonly made by beginner pole dancers is wearing the wrong shoes. As fun as 8 inches looks, try starting out with 6 inch heels. Starting with a smaller heel will lessen the chance of you injuring yourself and will help you warm yourself up to the idea of dancing in heels.
Not wearing enough protection is another mistake beginner pole dancers make. Pole dancing is not as easy as it looks! Expect to get bruised and hurt. Your body will take time to get used to the pressure of the pole, and will take time to build a tolerance. Knee pads are a great idea for protection and to prevent yourself from bruising at the knee.
Another great tip for beginners is to always wipe down the pole with methylated spirits diluted with water to prevent yourself from slipping on the pole. A dirty pole means a slippery pole which is not what we want! Don’t stress this too much as your pole studio will have spray and cloths available to wipe your pole.
Overall pole dancing is a great form of physical exercise and can be enjoyable and empowering. Once you learn to become comfortable in your skin, pole dancing can become exciting. Have realistic expectations, enjoy the journey, and remember to always have fun.